Constantine Precision
Buttoned-up chic characterizes the Precision Lock flooring
collection. This tailored pattern is offered as both a carpet
tile and a broadloom. P.O. Box 2399, Dalton, GA 30722;
800-308-4344; constantine-carpet.com |
C&A Jhane
Barnes's Haiku
Jhane Barnes's Haiku looks as poetic as its name suggests.
Courtesy of a subtle linearity, the floor tiles can be
installed in an unlimited number of random patterns. A
recycled-vinyl backing comes standard. 311 Smith Industrial
Boulevard, Dalton, GA 30722; 800-248-2878; powerbond.com.
Online Catalog: TectonicStudio
Sana Stone Floor
Powdered black marble dust, mixed with resin, outlines
floor tiles with polished inlays of golden-yellow and
kiln-baked-red sandstone. The 4x12 designs are custom cut by
hand in India, according to a pen-and-ink of palms, by the New
York artist Robert Kushner. 833 Broadway, New York, NY 10003;
212-228-8396; sanastoneny.com. |
Roubini Rugs Electra-a
A sense of play is afoot in Karim Rashid's latest creation,
Electra-a rug that actually glows fluorescent green in the
dark. Made from the finest New Zealand wool and a synthetic
fiber that is rarer and more costly than silk. But perhaps it
will save on the electric bills. 200 Lexington Avenue, Suite
706, New York, NY 10016; 800-483-7722; roubinirugs.com. |
J&J Industries Impulse
The versatility of Impulse makes it a standard. Cut and
loop construction and available in more than 30 colors that
can stand alone or as a complement to other J & J
products. 818 J & J Drive, P.O. Box 1287, Dalton, GA
30722; 800-241-4585; jjcommercial.com.
Online Catalog: TectonicStudio
Ex:inc Raised
Terrazzo Floor System
The Romans called it "Il Pavimento alla Veneziana." This
tradition of raised terrazzo floors is courtesy of Raised
Terrazzo Floor System and much easier to acquire than a piece
of Venetian pavement. 155 East 56th Street, New York, NY
10022; 212-758-2593; exinc.org. |
Cadence by Clayton Miller Mambo
Clayton Miller and Ruth Simon McRae are marching to their
own beat as they debut their boutique line of products
including Mambo, created for corporate clients who want a lot
of look for a small price. 2304 Dalton Industrial Court,
Dalton, GA 30721; 877-261-6334. clayton-miller.com. |
Altro Prismatic
High-performance safety flooring is up to something good
with the introduction of Prismatic Plus in 15 new fashionable
colors, utilizing advanced slip resistance. Complies with
current ADA and OSHA standards. 6390 Kestrel Road,
Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1Z3, Canada; 800-565-4658; altrofloors.com. |
Endless Knot Co. Sakura
The award-winning high-end carpet house strikes a
harmonious chord with Sakura, a sedate hand-woven
architectural floral. 105 H Street, Petaluma, CA 94952;
707-794-9222; endlessknotrugs.com. |
Edward Fields Ultramarine
Cool, refreshing Ultramarine is an underwater fantasy and a
magnificent carpet in the round. This rug can be created in
any size, shape, or custom color in 100 percent wool, or in a
wool and silk combination. 232 East 59th Street, New York, NY
10022; 212-310-0400; edwardfieldsinc.com. |
Carini Lang Mountain
Tread lightly on Mountain Blossoms. Handwoven from 100
percent fine Chinese silk in Central Asia and colored with
organic dyes. This piece, while made for the floor, may be
best displayed on the wall like a work of art. 335 Greenwich
Street, New York, NY 10013; 646-613-0497; carinilang.com. |
Angela Adams New
Zealand Wool Rain
This high-end rug company just became even more so with
their couture line. Witness the 7-foot square New Zealand wool
Rain, which it will only produce once. The price will reflect
its rarity. 273 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101;
800-255-9454; angelaadams.com. |
Bolyu Contract NYC
A geometric matrix of urban texture and pattern create a
tech-looking grid for the floor. NYC is one of four patterns
from Bőlyü's Couture Collection in 10 sophisticated earth
tones made of 100 percent Zeftron Solure Nylon. P.O. Box 1110,
201 Princeton Boulevard, Adairsville, GA 30103; 800-451-1250;
bolyu.com. |
Constantine Carpet Soundwave
For those who have never loved the look of carpet tile,
this manufacturer now makes 18-inch tiles that can be
installed monolithically to look like broadloom. Cleverly, all
carpet tile patterns, like Soundwave, are available in a
broadloom version. 800-308-4344; constantine-carpet.com. |
M&M Design International Tiki
Inspired by the South Pacific, Tiki Torch is bold. Designed
by Gene Meyer, handmade in Nepal from Himalayan wool,
hand-dyed, and available in most imaginable sizes and colors.
226 Westbury Avenue, Carle Place, NY 11514; 516-876-8989; mandmgallery.com. |
Odegard Maritime
The exquisite Youngtse Clementine incorporates a fresh
floral motif with stripes in Maritime, from the company's
Botanica Collection. Made from the best hand-carded, hand-spun
Himalayan wool. Available in custom and standard sizes. 200
Lexington Avenue, Suite 1206, New York, NY 10016;
800-670-8836; odegardinc.com. |
* This company has an enhanced listing! |
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