Facilities management solutions
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Our Products

Innovative Product Range
Manufacturing offers an innovative product range, which is tailored to meet all the needs of postal and material handling operators.

Our mail products are designed to enhance processes by increasing mail-sorting throughput and improve the final quality of items processed by reducing the number of incorrectly sorted items. Our aim is to help our customers reduce costs, save time and improve quality control.

Working in partnership with our customers, we design and manufacture bespoke equipment solutions that best fit their needs. Product categories include: Mail Collection, Mail Handling, Mail Processing, Vertical and Horizontal Sort Fittings, Trolleys, Drop Bag Fittings, Seating and Lighting.

browse our catalogue
Shopping on-line with Romec Manufacturing is straightforward and convenient. Search Our Catalogue for the products you need.

Some products have accessories that you might also want to consider. These are found underneath the product overview on the product page.

Please visit our ' Using the Catalogue ' page if you need any further information.